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Afghanite aStrological sign of scorpio

In addition to the properties listed in the CANCRINITE section of this book, the following attributes apply.

Afghanite has been used to activate the third-eye and to bring clatity to problem-solving. It has assisted one in "standing ones ground", bringing enegry to the user such that one "know" that ones personal limitation are anly anillusion and can be easily replaced by no-limitation; the energy additionally "makes the time available" such that one may rid the self of self-limitations.

Bringing strength to face the unknown, it has supported one in the process of soul-journeying (see"love is in the earth - Laying-on-ofstones"), where placement in the array is located upon the third-eye. One can also place the mineral upon the area of the "home" of the inner Self (approximately two-inches below the navel) in order to go more deeply into the journey to the center of ones personal universe or to the center of the greater universe outside of the self.

Afghanite is a "stone of silk and lace", it has expedited the softening of character, reducing the attribule of "control" from ones personality, and allowing recognition of the benefits of "letting-go" of a problem, and "allowing the benevolent universe" to assist in the solution. It is an excellent stone for eliminating "control issues", bringing understanding to those who feel they "need" to control others such that the understanding is totally conjunctive to appreciation.

The mineral has been used to assist in pain removal and reduction, in tissue regeneration (external locations), and in expediting sleep for insomniacs. It has been used to assist in releasing spasms in the hands, and to bring a freshness and coolness during fevers.

Combined with Quartz (within the same specimen), the properties have also been shown to be amplified.

Afghanite vibrates to the Master Number 44